Wesleyan Youth, Inc.

Become a Foster Parent for a Child in Need

Wesleyan Youth is dedicated to connecting children and teens in the foster care system to the parents they need. We’re looking for adults with room in their hearts to keep these kids happy, safe, and cared for in their homes. For our part, we’re happy to provide the training, support, and guidance to make the transition to creating or expanding your foster family easier. This support continues throughout your foster care journey together- we don’t disappear a few weeks after you meet your new foster child.
Our goal is to create strong families and provide the best possible support for the youth and families we serve. There is a great need for foster parents in Oklahoma, and we encourage you to reach out and provide the help you can.
How Do I Start?
We invite you to call our Foster Care Intake Specialist to learn if you qualify and how to get started in the process.
You can reach them at 918-329-6760
or email letta@wesleyanfostercare.com

About Us
Wesleyan Youth, Inc. is a non-profit organization that was established in 1949. Originally a boy's home in Oklahoma City, today the agency contracts with OKDHS to provide Traditional Foster Care. We provide services state-wide, placing children in responsible and caring foster homes.
Wesleyan Youth strives to provide the best services possible to the youth and families we serve. With the need for foster parents remaining high, our mission is to bring awareness to that need and form strong families. WYI greatly values our foster parents, and supports them during every step of the foster care journey.

Pay for needed supplies such as school supplies, Beds, car seats, clothing, Socks, underwear, and diapers for Placement bags. Children that come into the system usually come with nothing and all donations are used to Support the in their new placement children.